Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - One True God!
Beloved family in Christ,
The recently concluded sacred Apostles' fast holds significant importance
in our spiritual journey. It serves as a period of deep reflection and prepa-
ration, allowing us to delve deeper into our discipleship and relationship
with God.
This time of contemplation has allowed us to appreciate the profound
reasons for our journey in the temporal world - our own blessed purpose
and as the Church.
On the eve of His precious passion, Jesus prayed as high priest when his disciples were with him.
This prayer, recorded in St. John 17:11, is a powerful testament to Jesus' mission and his desire
for unity among his followers. "...Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have giv-
en me, that they may be one, even as we are one. (St. John 17:11).Jesus' prayer was not just
for His disciples but for all who believe in Him.
The prayer underscores the vital role of unity and community in our faith. Jesus was sent with a
purpose, a mission of love to free us from sin, despair, demise, and dread. Christ saw glory in the
cross rather than shame. Jesus did not rely on His earthly resources and strength to accomplish
His Father's will. Rather, He trusted His Father to give Him strength, courage, and perseverance
in facing antagonism, difficulties, and enticement. We must take up our cross and pursue
wherever He calls us (St. Luke 9:23). The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send, will give
us the strength and power to live as his disciples.
Each of us has a unique role to play in God's plan. He has created us for a specific purpose, a
work that He has not entrusted to another. This service could be as simple as showing love and
kindness to those around us, or as complex as dedicating our lives to a specific cause that aligns
with God's values. It could involve teaching, healing, advocating for justice, or any other act that
reflects God's love and values in the world. It is our responsibility to discover and fulfil that role,
and in doing so, we can live a purposeful life in accordance with our Christian beliefs.
We have our mission; He has not created us for nothing. We aim to spread Christ's love and
teachings, be a light in the world, and bring others closer to God.
Do we truly trust in God and His call and purpose for our life? We can discern God's call and
purpose through prayer, Scripture reflection, and seeking His divine guidance from spiritual men-
tors. Trusting in God's call and purpose can bring us closer to Him and give us the strength and
courage to fulfill our mission.
God be with you all
JVarghese Achen